AEON Wallet is a payment wallet introduced by AEON Specialized Bank (Cambodia) Plc. “AEON”. It allows customer to do payment by scanning QR code. This is purely transaction with Khmer Riel currency.
It has been designed for provided convenient, quick and secure.
• Payment
Be convenient and quick to do payment to merchant.
• Check Balance and Transaction History
Be convenient to check your current balance and transaction history in your smart phone device.
• Remittance
Be allowed to transfer fund between AEON Wallet account.
• Cash In and Cash Out
Be allowed customer to do cash in and cash out at ASB branches, ASB Agent and ASB counter in AEON Mall.
• Point Redeem
Receive point when you make the transaction and convert point to the cash in your account.
AEON Wallet adalah dompet pembayaran diperkenalkan oleh AEON Khusus Bank (Kamboja) Plc. “AEON”. Hal ini memungkinkan pelanggan untuk melakukan pembayaran dengan memindai kode QR. Ini murni transaksi dengan mata uang Khmer Riel.
Ini telah dirancang untuk disediakan nyaman, cepat dan aman.
• Pembayaran
Menjadi nyaman dan cepat untuk melakukan pembayaran kepada merchant.
• Periksa Saldo dan Sejarah Transaksi
Jadilah nyaman untuk memeriksa saldo Anda saat ini dan riwayat transaksi di perangkat ponsel pintar Anda.
• Remittance
Diizinkan untuk mentransfer dana antar rekening Dompet AEON.
• Dalam Kas dan Out
Jadilah pelanggan diizinkan untuk melakukan cash dan cash out di cabang ASB, ASB Agen dan ASB kontra di AEON Mall.
• Titik Tukarkan
Menerima titik ketika Anda membuat transaksi dan mengkonversi titik uang tunai dalam account Anda.
AEON Wallet is a payment wallet introduced by AEON Specialized Bank (Cambodia) Plc. “AEON”. It allows customer to do payment by scanning QR code. This is purely transaction with Khmer Riel currency.
It has been designed for provided convenient, quick and secure.
• Payment
Be convenient and quick to do payment to merchant.
• Check Balance and Transaction History
Be convenient to check your current balance and transaction history in your smart phone device.
• Remittance
Be allowed to transfer fund between AEON Wallet account.
• Cash In and Cash Out
Be allowed customer to do cash in and cash out at ASB branches, ASB Agent and ASB counter in AEON Mall.
• Point Redeem
Receive point when you make the transaction and convert point to the cash in your account.